Sheila Sabine - Latest trends in the marketplace...
What’s in—
-Walk score ( check out your home on
-Living in a village
-Livable small spaces
-Kitchens as public spaces
-outdoor rooms
-the front porch
What’s Out-
-privacy on the hill
-15 minutes drive to the store
-exclusive-private-serene setting
-large public rooms
-formal dining rooms
-isolated kitchens
- only visual gardens
-Walk score ( check out your home on
-Living in a village
-Livable small spaces
-Kitchens as public spaces
-outdoor rooms
-the front porch
What’s Out-
-privacy on the hill
-15 minutes drive to the store
-exclusive-private-serene setting
-large public rooms
-formal dining rooms
-isolated kitchens
- only visual gardens